Nevine Meguid, an innovative Australian artist, draws from her rich background, blending influences from her UAE experiences and Egyptian heritage. Transitioning from a graphic design career, her journey includes a notable Artist-in-Residence program at Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi, where she explored diverse mediums, including fluid alcohol inks and the intricate beauty of Arabic calligraphy. This exploration has resulted in her distinctive style, characterised by dynamic, textured layers and disconnected calligraphy, seamlessly integrated with alcohol inks.
Nevine’s works are coveted as unique and limited editions, showcased globally in esteemed venues such as Atlantis The Royal Hotel in Dubai, Wollongong University in Dubai, Manarat Al Saadiyat in Abu Dhabi, and the Islamic Museum of Australia in Melbourne.
Copyright © 2020 Nectar Designs by Nevine Meguid - All Rights Reserved.
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